
New paper by Easton White

A just appeared in PNAS is a new paper on control of spread by Dr. Easton White (former student) based on work done at the lab in UC Davis using flour beetles (and models).

Welcome new lab member Nathan Marculis (and congratulations!)

Welcome Nathan Maruclis, a new postdoc working on the metacommunity project.  ANd congratulations to Nathan, who just received the award for the outstanding dissertation in the sciences from the University of Alberta!

Congratulations Bo Zhang!

Bo's paper has been chosen by the Theory Section of ESA as the 2019 Outstanding Paper in Ecological Theory:

Zhang, Bo, Alex Kula, Keenan Mack, Lu Zhai, Arrix Ryce, Wei Ming Ni, Donald DeAngelis, and J. David Van Dyken. "Carrying capacity in a heterogeneous environment with habitat connectivity." Ecology Letters 20, no. 9 (2017): 1118-1128.